Banner Brain & Spine: Talent


Neurosciences Academic Fellowships
Initiative Goal: $3,000,000 per fellowship (endowed)
Fellowships give physicians the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, clinical judgment, and literature evaluation skills necessary to practice medicine in specialty and sub-specialty areas. Permanently endowed fellowships provide critically necessary training for physicians pursuing in-demand neurological subspecialties in Neurosurgery, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Chiari, Hemifacial Spasm, Epilepsy, Stroke, and Spine. Fellowship training programs, developed in alignment with our Complex Disease Management programs, and will complement both Banner and Arizona’s unique physician demand. Endowment funding will help make Banner a desirable fellowship destination for the best and brightest physicians who are training to be leaders in the Neuroscience specialties.

Subspecialty Physician Support
Initiative Goal: $5,000,000
To build a comprehensive neurological program, Banner Brain & Spine requires super subspecialty physicians that fall outside the normal pay structure and can be expensive to employ. Neuro-oncology, endovascular, and ENT (ear, nose, and throat) surgeons are very specialized and in high demand; Banner has historically had a difficult time recruiting these specialties because of compensation constraints. Philanthropic support of newly recruited physicians for the first few years of practice will help us recruit and retain an excellent caliber of new talent to the Brain & Spine team.